Release notes
June 2023
Posted 2023-07-04
Updated 2024-11-21
release notes for June
Thank you for your interest in our monthly release notes! Here are some of the key features and improvements we have made to our product offerings this month.
Special announcement
Restructure of documentation in Developer Portal
With the introduction of , we are restructuring DOCS and CONSOLE sections to reflect these changes. Please bear in mind that new and updated content will be published during the full month of July.
Improvements & Fixes
UBOR France
This is already our 6th UBO Register connection. To be able to support complex Beneficial Owners data from the source National Business Register (Le Registre National des Enterprises – RNE), we had to upgrade our API v2 enhanced endpoint.
We have updated our connection to CZ Commercial register (Obchodní rejstřík ), therefore the Register Report and the Beneficial Owners Check documents contain now the original signature provided by the register. Same applies for the Trade Register Report, available from CZ Trade register (Registr Živnostenského podnikání ) for sole traders.
New legal forms were added to our connection with the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment:
– Sole trader
– Trust
– Partnership
– Limited Partnership
– Society
– Overseas ASIC Company
– Overseas Non ASIC Company.
Identity Numbers of individual shareholders and directors are now available in the superData set – officerId, officerName, position, appointedDate, status, withdrawalDate, withdrawalReason
Coming next
- Jordan (JO) – New integration to the Companies Control Department – Ministry of Industry and Trade (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)
- Estonia (EE) – Making available new type of documents
- Italy (IT) – New direct connection to InfoCamere (Registro Imprese technical provider)
Thank you for using our products. We appreciate your feedback, which help us to improve with each release. Please continue to share your thoughts with us via [email protected] and we look forward to providing you with more updates and enhancements in the next release.