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Release notes

News Release notes September and October 2024

September and October 2024

Posted 2024-11-12 | Updated 2024-11-20

Join us as we share the latest updates from our monthly releases. The update includes new and improved multiple sources integrations in jurisdictions such as France FR, Cyprus CY and Hungary HU and on top of that, improvements to our core products: KYC API and Developer Portal. 

Important announcements

Documentation on KYC API

Updated documentation
We are pleased to announce the release of two new documents for our clients. Firstly, we have published a new “Sandbox Companies” file, which provides details on the latest sandbox entities. Secondly, the new “Datapoint Overview” document offers an updated overview of datapoints for the KYC API v2. You can access both documents here.

New and enhanced integrations

Country Coverage

  • Cyprus CY
    We are pleased to announce important updates to our Cyprus Register Connection, aimed at enhancing data quality and expanding our coverage to provide you with more comprehensive business insights. Key improvements include Introduction of Registration Date, Expanded Register Reports, Refined Data Mapping.
    Please note, however, that the following documents are no longer available through the standard purchase process: Registration Details, Official Filings, and Shareholder Lists.
    In response to these changes, we are pleased to offer reduced pricing for documents. Please find more information on the changes for Cyprus here.

  • France FR
    We are pleased to inform you that a new document integration has been completed for France. The register report from the Registries of Commercial Courts (Infogreffe) is now accessible.

  • Hungary HU
    We have made improvements to our Hungarian Register connection to offer a more detailed, enhanced dataset, enable search by registration number, and expand the range of available documents. Please find more information here.

  • United States – Georgia US-GA
    A new connection has been established for Georgia in the United States. We are now officially connected to the source Georgia Secretary of State – Corporate Divisions.

  • United States – Idaho US-ID
    The connection to Idaho has been updated, and data quality has been verified. Consequently, the mapping has been enhanced to improve the search functionality and readability of entries in Idaho’s register.

  • United States – California US-CA
    Our connection to the register in California has been revised and the retrieval of the registration details as well as the articles of association has been reestablished to assure quick and reliable availability.

  • Indonesia ID
    We have re-established the connection to the register in Indonesia to enhance connectivity and ensure that data availability is faster and more secure.

Product improvements


  • Decommission of Endpoints 
    Please be informed that decommissioned the following four endpoints in KYC API v2: api/v2/system/countries, api/v2/system/health, api/v2/system/priceList, api/v2/system/catalog.
    This decision comes from the introduction of a new endpoint in KYC API v2, known as api/v2/system/coverage. This new endpoint consolidates the data previously spread across the four mentioned endpoints into a single and more efficiently structured response. See here for more details on the coverage endpoint.

  • Improving coverage details endpoint
    Following the launch of the endpoint for available sources, datasets, documents, searches, and concierge products for each jurisdiction last month, we have streamlined the process and incorporated usability enhancements.

  • Disabling index dataset in API v2 
    To ensure compliance with legal requirements, we have disabled the index dataset in the following jurisdictions: Hungary HU, Texas US-TX, California US-CA, Spain ES, Finland FI, Gibraltar GI, Jersey JE, Lithuania LT, Malta MT, Slovenia SI, Canada CA.

Developer Portal

Developer Portal Front-End Updates
We have recently updated the portal’s color scheme, with additional visual improvements planned in the near future. Please stay tuned for further enhancements.

Coming next

New and enhanced country integration

  • United States – Conneticut US-CT
    A connection to the Connecticut Secretary of the State’s Business Service Division register will be implemented.

  • United States – Tennessee US-TN
    A new connection is being introduced to the Tennessee Secretary of State’s register, replacing the previous one to maintain data availability.

  • Luxemburg LU
    A new link to the Luxembourg register is in development, expanding our coverage in this country.

  • Isle of man IM
    In addition to our coverage of Luxembourg, we are planning to expand our services to include a new connection to the register of the Isle of Man.

API changes

Display of sources
Given that we have jurisdictions requiring us to query multiple sources to compile a dataset, we plan to display all sources accordingly.


Thank you for using our products. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions, which help us to improve with each release. Please continue to share your thoughts with us via [email protected]. We look forward to providing you with more updates and enhancements in the next release.