Release notes
February 2024
Posted 2024-03-06
Updated 2024-11-21
Join us as we share the latest updates from our monthly releases. The update includes new and improved multiple sources integrations in jurisdictions such as Greece (GR), Hong Kong (HK), Russia (RU), Singapore (SG). On top of that, improvements to our core products: KYC API v2, Monitoring and Developer Portal.
New and enhanced integrations
Country Coverage
- Singapore SG
We have upgraded our KYC API v2 enhanced dataset for SG to include address data for officers and shareholders which allows for easier compliance verification.
- Russia RU
We have restored the capabilities of our connection to the Russian Registry.
- Greece GR
Greece has become our 31st jurisdiction in the UBO discovery world. We’ve successfully integrated six legal forms, covering most corporate entities in this jurisdiction.
- Hong Kong HK
Our jurisdiction upgrade has come to an end, as the last part we have upgraded our connection with the register to retrieve the new registration.Number (BRN), while the old one (CRN) was moved to other.Number. Search is possible with either one of them.
- » Extended the list of available jurisdictions for monitoring: Bahrain (BH), Greenland (GL), Jersey (JE), Lithuania (LT), North Macedonia (MK), Malta (MT), New Zealand (NZ), US – Texas (US-TX), US – Ohio (US-OH).
Developer Portal
- Client SDK generator
We can generate client SDKs, server stubs, and API documentation from an OpenAPI Specification to see how you can enable it, proceed to documentation.
Coming Next
New and enhanced country integration
- Brazil BR
New integration to the Federal Revenue of Brazil (Receita Federal do Brasil) is going to be implemented in upcoming weeks.
- Netherlands NL
Enhanced integration to the Kamer van Koophandel (KVK) is going to be implemented in upcoming weeks, to see how it will affect the existing connection, please navigate to following article.
- Sweden SE
An improved connection with the Bolagsverket (Swedish registry) is scheduled for implementation in the coming weeks.
Thank you for using our products. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions, which help us to improve with each release. Please continue to share your thoughts with us via [email protected]. We look forward to providing you with more updates and enhancements in the next release.