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Release notes

April 2023

Posted 2023-05-02 | Updated 2024-11-21
release notes for April

Welcome to our monthly release notes. We have been working hard to bring new features and improvements to our product offerings, and we are excited to share them with you.

Special announcement

KYC API v2 introduction

We are excited to announce the launch of the new version of our KYC API! Our current API is result of ten of years of incremental development. We have seen that it is the time for introducing a fresh version. To find out more about it, please see the article.

Improvements & Fixes

    Croatia – new jurisdiction for UBO discovery
      Croatian legal forms became part of UBO discovery; to find out which legal forms are included, please see the following article.
    Latvia – UBO Register connection
      As of March 2023, our integration with the Latvian UBO Register is available to all our users. This means that you now have access to Ultimate Beneficial Owners data coming directly from the Latvian UBO register. Find out more article.
    Malaysia (MY)
      We performed maintenance on our connection with the Malaysian register to ensure that we are complaint with their registration number standards. This will allow us to efficiently and accurately process registration numbers.
    Perpetual Monitoring
      The perpetual monitoring service got also a new dimension: from now on, clients can request a premium feature that can overwrite the default frequency of checks.

Coming next

    Romania (RO) – Real-time data and documents.
    France (FR) – New integration to the National Business Register (Le Registre National des Enterprises – RNE).

Thank you for using our products. We appreciate your feedback, which help us to improve with each release. Please continue to share your thoughts with us via [email protected] and we look forward to providing you with more updates and enhancements in the next release.