Developer news
New live connection – Jordan (JO)!
Posted 2023-08-01
We are happy to announce that we have a new live connection. We have just released an integration with the Companies Control Department – Ministry of Industry and Trade – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (دائرة مراقبة الشركات) to get data in real-time about companies registered in Jordan.
With this new integration the below functions are available:
- Live search by number
- Live search by name
- Refresh dataset
- Register Report document – ADDOFCCJO
- Chronological Extract document – ADDCECCJO
The data about the company contains various datapoints, including legalForm, status and providedStatus, and key officers, like directors and shareholders. The Chronological Extract document is the Full record of registrable changes provided by the Companies Control Department – Ministry of Industry and Trade – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (دائرة مراقبة الشركات) (when available).
Sample response for refresh dataset, for a live company:
"id": " {kompanyId}",
"country": "JO",
"registrationNumber": "{regNum}",
"name": "الاحصاء الدقيق لاستطلاع الرأي العام",
"status": "LIVE",
"address": [
"عمان ويحق لها قتح فروع داخل وخارج المملكة"
"formattedAddress": null,
"managingDirectors": [],
"secretaries": [],
"dateOfIncorporation": "",
"legalForm": "ذات مسؤولية محدودة",
"sicNaceCodes": [],
"extraData": {
"providedStatus": "قائمة",
"shareCapital": "1000",
"paidupCapital": "500",
"otherNumber": "55433",
"registrationDate": "{date}"
"typeOfOwnership": [],
"people": {
"shareholder": [
"name": "{name}",
"position": "م/مسؤولية",
"role": "م/مسؤولية",
"shareNumber": "500",
"personalId": "9841037514"
"name": " {name}",
"position": "م/مسؤولية",
"role": "م/مسؤولية",
"shareNumber": "500",
"personalId": "9911053760"
"officer": [
{ }
"officialNumber": [
"mainSourceName": "Companies Control Department - Ministry of Industry and Trade - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (دائرة مراقبة الشركات)",
"iso20022": {
"CountryOfResidence": "JO",
"Name": "الاحصاء الدقيق لاستطلاع الرأي العام",
"Identification": "200174351",
"StreetName": null,
"BuildingNumber": null,
"TownName": null,
"DistrictName": null,
"CountrySubDivision": null,
"PostCode": null,
"AddressLine": [
"عمان ويحق لها قتح فروع داخل وخارج المملكة"
"AnyBIC": null,
"LEI": null,
"Issuer": "Companies Control Department - Ministry of Industry and Trade - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (دائرة مراقبة الشركات)",
"Proprietary": null,
"Code": null