Developer news
Italy Connection Enhancement
Posted 2023-07-12
Updated 2023-08-17
We are delighted to inform you that we are enhancing our connection for Italy, allowing for more comprehensive Italian company data and documents. The new implementation is planned to be available in production mid-August.
This improvement will enable our users to retrieve information directly from the official Italian Business register (Registro Imprese).
New Features will include:
- Enhanced Search Functionality
- Search by Name
- Search by Codice Fiscale
- Search by nREA Number
- Enhanced Shareholder Data
- To provide a comprehensive overview of companies ownership, we have introduced a new field called “typeOfOwnership” as part of the shareholder data. This addition will offer valuable insights into the ownership structure of businesses, enabling users to make informed decisions.
- New Documents and updated documents
- Registration Report – Official Visura will be now offered in English and Italian language
s– REPOFRIIT - Articles of Association – ADDASRIIT
- Annual Accounts – ADDAARIIT
- Official filings – DOCOFRIIT
- Registration Report – Official Visura will be now offered in English and Italian language
- We are going to remove the following documents SKUs:
- The refresh response from the new connection will cover all the below information.
- kompanyId
- countryCode
- registrationNumber
- name
- otherName
- oldName
- status
- providedStatus
- address
- formattedAddress
- legalForm
- phone
- industryActivityCodes
- legal information
- incorporationDate
- dissolutionDate
- registrationDate
- registrationInstitution
- isHeadquarter
- identifiers
- taxNumber
- otherNumber
- Vat
- share information
- shareCapital
- shareCurrency
- numberOfShares
- paidupCapital
- officer related information
- shareholder related information
UBO discovery product will not be yet affected by this change, but more details to follow soon.
This article will be updated as soon as the sample refresh response is available.