Developer news
Georgia (GE) is our new live connection
Posted 2023-10-11
Updated 2024-08-13
What did we integrate?
We bring to you another direct connection that expands our current coverage portfolio. The real-time data comes from the official Georgian Business Register (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი).
The connection contains 11 legal types:
Why did we integrate?
Georgia is a geographical connection between Europe and Asia with a thriving economic growth. Since the quality and variety of data provided by the official register is on a high level, creating a direct connection was a logical step for us to bring to our customers more data in real-time.
How can you use Georgian integration?
The Georgian connection is available for both API products: APIv1 and APIv2.
Search by number: with number (e.g. 404457039)
ID needs to be complete to provide response. It has to contain 9-digits.
Search by name: with name (i.e. შპს General Energy Company ჯენერალ ენერჯი კომპანი)
Refresh dataset
The refresh response from the new connection will cover all the information below:
Refresh sample
curl --location 'https://api.kompany.com/api/v2/company/dataset' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'user_key: {secret}'
"datasetId": "6537545E69FDBA04DBF938EA39B3106F",
"kompanyId": "E29CFF015E81C26CA9BAF8BACAE2C21A",
"datasetName": "refresh",
"datasetOptions": [],
"info": null,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"requestTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00",
"responseTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00",
"estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
"content": {
"kompanyId": "E29CFF015E81C26CA9BAF8BACAE2C21A",
"countryCode": "GE",
"countryName": "Georgia",
"registrationNumber": "400350749",
"name": "პოზიტიური აზრის აკადემია ტესლა",
"status": "LIVE",
"providedStatus": "რეგისტრირებულია",
"address": "",
"legalForm": "არასამეწარმეო (არაკომერციული) იურიდიული პირი",
"additionalData": {
"otherIdentifiers": {
"localNumber": "400350749"
"legalEvents": {
"registrationDate": "26/1/2023"
"associatedEntities": {
"shareholders": [],
"officers": [],
"ultimateBeneficialOwners": []
"industryActivityCode": [],
"providerSpecificData": [],
"sources": [
"name": "Georgia Business Register - (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი)",
"info": null,
"primary": true,
"fields": [
"lastCheckedTime": "2023-09-29T11:19:18+00:00"
"version": "company-v2.0"
Enhanced/Super dataset
The Enhanced/Super response from the new connection will cover all the information below:
Enhanced/Super sample
curl --location 'curl 'https://apitest.kompany.com/api/v2/company/enhanced' -X POST -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "user_key: {secret}" --data-binary '{"kompanyId":"E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841","enhancedOptions":{"generalData":"1","stakeholders":"0","shareholders":"0","beneficialOwners":"0","suppressRefresh":"0"}}''
"datasetId": "5E8D70904325063915ADD4C472DA7BF0",
"kompanyId": "E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841",
"datasetName": "enhanced",
"enhancedOptions": {
"generalData": true,
"stakeholders": false,
"shareholders": false,
"beneficialOwners": false,
"suppressRefresh": false
"info": null,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"requestTime": "2023-10-11T11:13:23+00:00",
"responseTime": null,
"estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
"content": {
"kompanyId": "E0CBD20F02716F0BEFE5EAC1CA251841",
"countryCode": "GE",
"countryName": "Georgia",
"registrationNumber": "445721611",
"name": "შპს კორალ საერთაშორისო სატრანსპორტო ლოჯისტიკა",
"status": "LIVE",
"providedStatus": "რეგისტრირებულია",
"address": "საქართველო, ქალაქი ბათუმი, სელიმ ხიმშიაშვილის ქუჩა,N94ა, სართული 1, ბინა N3",
"legalForm": "შეზღუდული პასუხისმგებლობის საზოგადოება",
"additionalData": {
"otherIdentifiers": {
"localNumber": "445721611"
"legalEvents": {
"registrationDate": "9/10/2023"
"associatedEntities": {
"shareholders": [],
"officers": [
"name": "მურათ ემინ ქორალ",
"role": "officer",
"providedRole": "Officer"
"ultimateBeneficialOwners": []
"industryActivityCode": [],
"providerSpecificData": [],
"sources": [
"name": "Georgia Business Register - (საქართველოს ბიზნეს რეესტრი)",
"info": null,
"primary": true,
"fields": [
"lastCheckedTime": "2023-10-11T11:13:41+00:00"
"version": "company-v2.0"
Ordering a document
Our connection offers a Register Report (REPOFBRGE) in Georgian language. To request it please follow the usual steps by calling the product/order endpoints:
Retrieve the list of possible products with kompanyId and productType = REPOFBRGE for a certain entity using the product search endpoint.
Place a product order for a certain filing with the productOptionId using the product order endpoint.
Retrieve information of a certain purchased product order with the orderId using the product order retrieval endpoint.
Retrieve the order file content (PDF) using the product content retrieval endpoint.
Useful links
If you would like to provide us with feedback or you have a question related to this connection, contact us here: [email protected]